Thursday, September 11, 2008


I like numbers quite a bit, and think about them as I ride---such as "let's see, 5 miles is 1/2 of 1/10 of the 100 miles that I hope to do today, and I am 1/5th of the way there" ---I know, pretty lame, but I sort of cannot help myself. Sooo, just in case you wondered, I have been "on the bike" approximately 130.5 hours. This equates to seven thousand eight hundred and thirty minutes, and if you figure an average cadence of 70 rpm, (sometimes as slow as 45 on the hills, and 90+ when I am cruising along) that gives a grand total of five hundred forty eight thousand one hundred revolutions of the pedals! (548,100) - fascinating -It is raining out right now, which makes me happy since this is my rest day and I am inside. Hope for a nice day tomorrow and on--

1 comment:

Douglas Hunter said...

It was my understanding that you were pedaling uphill both ways, which makes the 90+ clicks even more impressive!