Friday, October 10, 2008

Final thoughts

I have been home for two weeks now, and it is amazing how quickly one returns to the daily grind and the memories begin to fade. Maybe current events accelerate that process, as I'm sure everyone is aware of the grim financial news these days.

Best and worst---The best thing about the trip was the undisturbed alone time. It is actually quite a rare thing in our society today to spend an extended time alone, or even away from the influence of friends/family/job. I believe it changes your world view a bit. In my case, maybe I feel less affected by events around me, and value more than ever the ties of friends and family. What else is there, really.

Worst----or perhaps better stated as most surprising and most disturbing. I heard the comment several times from young people "I could never do that." Well, OK, there are some things I will never do. I won't climb Everest or K2. That said, I haven't ruled our Rainer on some future date! (Let me know if you want to sign up, that won't be a solo trip) I won't compete in the Tour De France. (But you never can tell, the "Furnace creek 508" might bite me yet, and I do hope to crew for a RAMM rider!)

Point is, especially for young folk, how on earth would you know if you can do a thing or not, if you have never tried. Especially something like a long bike ride, if you can ride a bike for 50 miles, you could do 2000 miles if you determined that was what you wanted to do. How do you know you can't do public speaking, learn Chinese, rock climb, play chess at a competitive level, surf, grow a garden, write a book, knit a sweater, etc. etc. etc. if you have never put any effort into one of these things?

Maybe an article I read in a climbing magazine at one of the Hostels I stayed in had a partial answer. The author was discussing fear, specifically as it pertains to climbers. He stated that there are three fears, fear of failure, fear of falling (DUH---), and finally one I would never have considered, fear of extreme effort! His point was that most of us get in a comfort zone of moderate effort, and we are fine with doing that, but if extreme effort is required to reach the next goal, we shy away from that, because it is uncomfortable. Something to consider . . .

I'm done now. Hope you enjoyed it a little bit. I considered posting about gear, but decided if anyone has gear questions, drop me an email. (There is so much information out there, not sure my addition would be of much value).

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